Behaviour Curriculum
Based on the EEF guidance and development of our school priority “Trauma Informed Practice” we have been working on expectations for learning behaviours.
The language used in the behaviour curriculum will be used by every member of staff and will be consistent throughout the school. Once this has been fully established and integrated, all students will know the expectation for behaviour and this language will be embedded alongside. Students will know this and any member of staff, regardless of experience or status, will be able to ensure these expectations are met with consistent and accurate use of the language that shall be heard around school.
This approach means that support staff covering PPA, lunch staff covering lunch or supply staff covering staff absence will be able to use this language and ensure consistency to reduce interference of routines of our most challenging students.
The vast majority of students at Westminster behave well! This will be a consistent approach to ensure that the 99% of students who can behave appropriately and in a safe and respectful manner, do.