Westminster C of E Primary Academy

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Westminster C of E Primary Academy

Everyone Welcome, Everyone Belongs, Everyone Flourishes...nourished by God's Love

Reading for pleasure

The 40 Book Challenges

Story sacks

Each class has a story sack and journal. One pupil each week is chosen to take the story sack home and enjoy the book with a hot chocolate and a biscuit. They can share their views on the book in their class journal.


Reading Ambassadors

We have a group of avid readers who have been chosen to promote reading in school. They are involved in creating our reading newsletter, organising reading events and reviewing and recommending books.



Our well stocked library is timetabled to allow each class to visit weekly. Pupils are encouraged to borrow books weekly and to enjoy a range of both fiction and nonfiction. We have pupil librarians who are on hand to restock the shelves and ensure the displays are regularly changed to promote different books.

Golden Tickets will continue to be put inside library books. If anyone finds a Golden Ticket, they can come and talk to me about the book once they have read it and earn a prize.

Reading events

We celebrate reading and books throughout the year but also love to get involved with World Book Day each year.  We have book clubs in school which run weekly and allow keen readers to spend more time reading.

Classroom Bookshelves

Every class has a well stocked book shelf and regularly restock and change the books available, Pupils can borrow these books whenever they wish and they also stock many of our 40 book challenge lists.

Stories and Class Readers

Every class enjoys a timetabled daily story time. This is a time when the teacher reads a high-quality, carefully-chosen text from the Westminster Canon and the children listen. It develops their understanding, models fluent and expressive reading and extends their knowledge of books and authors. It is not a comprehension session – it is time to enjoy a story together and build interest in reading and the benefits it brings.

Evidence shows that reading aloud to children is hugely beneficial (It is the single most important activity for reading success (Bredekamp, Copple, & Neuman, 2000)) and should be a non-negotiable every day.

Book Worship

Each week, we have a book worship where the whole school shares a book. These books reflect our worship themes or a key theme of ‘amazing people’ that runs through our reading curriculum.