Westminster C of E Primary Academy

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Westminster Road, Bradford, BD3 0HW


01274 648490

Westminster C of E Primary Academy

Everyone Welcome, Everyone Belongs, Everyone Flourishes...nourished by God's Love

Breakfast & After School Club

Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club is open every day from 7.45am to 8.15am. Please do not leave your child alone before 7.45am. 

The cost of breakfast club is 50p per day which is charged via ParentPay (login details available from the school office)

Please contact the school office if you want to request a place for your child to attend Breakfast Club. Please note that we currently have a waiting list for Breakfast Club.

After School Club

After School Club is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3pm - 4pm.  We have a range of fun activities including arts, crafts, games, lego and baking. It is aimed at children of working parents who need the wraparound care.

Children are collected directly from the hall door by a parent or carer (with password) before 4.00pm.

The cost of After School Club is £1 per day which is charged via ParentPay (login details available from the school office)

Please contact the school office and complete a Microsoft Forms to request a place for your child to attend After School Club. Please note that we have a waiting list for after school club.