Westminster C of E Primary Academy

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Westminster C of E Primary Academy

Everyone Welcome, Everyone Belongs, Everyone Flourishes...nourished by God's Love

Letters to Parents & Carers

This week's Headteacher Letter

 31st January 2025

Dear Parents,

Celebration Award Winners

Congratulations to the award winners last week and this:

Spain: Asad, Oliver, Kamsiy & Wasif

Ireland: Mohamed, Imaan, Arham & Zayyan

Kenya: Sereen, Hafsa, Zainab, Musa, Khadija, Amelia & Aliya

Tunisia: Amena, Nicolas, Edward & Aysha

Mali:  Precious, Aria, Adil & Farhaan

Madagascar: Muhammad Hassan, Aiza, Ayesha & Ethan

Pakistan: Zara & Idrees

Thailand: Reejab & Izyan

China: Rawan & Ismail

Japan: Fatima Noor & Saif

Mexico: Omer & Adam

Jamaica: - Raiyan & David

Argentina: William & Elizabeth

Brazil: Hussain

Chile: Easa & Sanaa

National Holocaust Memorial Day

Monday marked National Holocaust Memorial Day, a poignant occasion that provided us with an opportunity to reflect on the importance of using our voices for good and calling out things that are wrong. This day resonated deeply with our school values, emphasising the significance of speaking up for those who cannot. It was particularly heartening to witness our Key Stage 2 pupils approach this sensitive subject with respect and maturity. Their reflections on the impact of the Holocaust – and all acts of genocide - reinforced the crucial importance of remembering the horrors of the past to safeguard our future, nurturing their compassion and responsibility.

Murton Park Visits

Year 4 pupils thoroughly enjoyed their school visits this week, with opportunities for hands-on learning and cultural enrichment. Thank you to the children for taking part so well and thank you to all the adults who helped organise and the run the days, ensuring our children had a great time. Next week, Year 3 are off to Cliffe Castle and have Bedtime Stories at the National Media Museum!


As we look for ongoing improvement, we are currently reviewing our communication strategies with parents. Thanks to those who have already completed the feedback form - for those who haven't yet had the chance, there is still time. https://forms.office.com/e/TidzqtsK6m

Next week we will send questions to you regarding our approach to communicating about children’s behaviour. Your input is invaluable in helping us refine our practises and strengthen our school-home partnership.

Attendance Update

We are experiencing a significant impact due to the chicken pox and general sickness among our pupils. While it is crucial to keep genuinely ill children at home, I would like to encourage parents to send their children to school if they merely need a bit of TLC (tender loving care) to get through the day. Rest assured, we have bucketfuls of care and support available for all our pupils.


Have a lovely weekend, and God Bless

Mr. S Gallacher,


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